- Be gentle with yourself. Know that it’s normal to get discouraged, slip back into old patterns, and lose hope for recovery. Try your best not to beat yourself up, but to be patient with yourself and learn all you can from what you’re experiencing. Even the steps back can be a learning ground. And make the most of your steps forward. Celebrate each one no matter how big or small.
- Realize that we are meant to come in all shapes and sizes. And know that when you are not adequately nourished, your perception of your appearance is altered. Do your best to believe the positive things other people say about you. They usually have a more objective opinion. And try your best to find ways to accept and celebrate the creation that is you. This will take time and persistence, but it is well worth it.
- Learn healthy ways to express your emotions. Journaling is one way to do this. Some people are resistant to try it, but many tend to find it helpful once they just give it a chance. There are no rules. Just write anything you think or feel. Search for journaling exercises if you get stuck.
- Recognize that the voice of the eating disorder is fueled by lies and negative thoughts. To combat that voice, find truthful and positive thoughts you can use to replace them. Concentrate on those. This will take time and consistency, but it can be freeing.
- Face your fears. These may be fears related to food or appearance or deeper fears. As difficult as it is to face fears, this can help you conquer them. But remember that you don’t have to face them alone. There are many individual counselors and treatment centers that specialize in eating disorder treatment.